Shane Dawson Got Fat Shamed Off the Internet Complete Story

What is up everybody this is Muhammad Kamran where we think about the problem but focus on the solution and if you are the first visitor to this is all about Chemistry Importances and sometimes what I do is I pull different topics from the YouTube community see if there's anything that we can learn from it alright so if you're into that stuff make sure like this.

 So yeah, today we're gonna be talking about Shane Dawson his new video what happened today where he's taking a little bit of an Internet break but I want you to remember Shane Dawson is one dude and maybe he'll see this probably won't right my videos are for you but there's a lot of us can relate to these situations and I'm always trying to see what we can learn from them all right and if you're like me you might struggle with some weight issues all right so yeah anyways Shane Dawson he released his new video today about his version of his strange addiction and yeah it turned into him reading some comments and we'll get into that in a second.

All right but this was supposed to be like a happy look I did something fun and cool and you know I'm doing some new kind of content on my second blog and it kind of turned into a bummer before we get started I was just telling my beautiful girlfriend Tristan as we were watching the news Shane Dawson video like I'm super happy for them like I'm super super happy because like when I first learned about him like Tristan actually introduced me to him and my son got really into I guess old videos where he would like eat stuff and try like different life hacks and everything he was just doing things and having fun.

 I'm sure he has a ton of fun with like these like really in-depth docu-series but if I was him I'd be like man I miss doing like just it's kind of like simple pieces of content right so I'm really happy that he has the second blog as like this outlet to just do whatever he wants to do because I know a lot of people out there just they love just watching the goofy shit he's up to alright.

 But yeah so anyways Shane Dawson got a comment about his way they're kind of messed up his day but anyways like going back like Shane Dawson he struggled with a weight you know growing up I read part of one of his books I think Tristan read one or both of his books anyways that's kind of how I learned about it because I didn't watch Shane like way back in the day but anyways he ended up getting you to know gastric bypass surgery he's opened up about his struggles with an eating disorder and yeah that's the kind of stuff it doesn't totally go away like for me, for example, like I'm a recovering drug addict even though I've been sober for seven and a half years it's still back there.

You know what I mean these things are a lifelong process right anyways you would think that Shane being on top of the world being this massive YouTube creator like things like these comments wouldn't get to him right but anyways in this video he even mentioned you know his weight like this I know I was gonna come downstairs because I've gained some weight since the last series but as he was going through his comments to see how people were liking the video how people reacting to it he came across this comment I love Shane but it's a damn shame to watch him putting all this weight back on while everyone around him laughs and enables it so Shane tweeted this out and kudos to him from leaving the name out.

 I know he's gotten crap before for like publicly kind of like he says hey Shane why don't you post more why don't you upload better this if you would think that after 13 years on YouTube comments wouldn't get to me but damn they still feel like the very first time alright and then he ended up tweeting thanks for the nice tweets I appreciated a lot sorry I got sensitive and posted that I usually ignore stuff but I'm just in a weird headspace lately I think I'm gonna take a break from the internet for a bit thanks for being supportive and having my back alright.

 So the first thing I want to talk about when it comes to this like something that I learned a long time ago and it's still a struggle for me because I can be a very loud mouth idiot but something that I try to work on and hopefully all of us work on is this like just because a stupid thought comes in your head doesn't mean you need to vocalize it alright like this isn't just about a youtube comment right this is something that affects us in our daily lives like a long time ago I wondered why people didn't want to hang out with me and it was because I was a dick right there's this weird thing in society right now where we like kind of put on a pedestal people who speak their mind like how often do you hear that like oh yeah I like that person because they speak their mind like if like when did that become a virtue right because you get shit like this.

You know what I mean like what does it become a virtue to be just completely unfiltered I think like on a psychological level the reason why people admire that in others is because most of us can't do people admire that in others is because most of us can't do that because we value maintaining relationships in our lives like imagine if you told your boss everything that was on your mind when they were pissing you off right imagine.

If you told you to know your friends or a significant other like hey I think your hair looks really stupid today like it is not a virtue to say what you're thinking sometimes the best thing we could do is just keep our damn stupid mouth shut alright but anyways obviously in case you're not looking at this video right now I have a little bit of a weight problem and it's something I've struggled with for a long time and like I can only imagine like what Shane goes through being on such a massive platform but like I am somebody who has constantly had people comment on my weight and one of the difficult things especially just being on this platform even though I am a very small creator on this platform is even mentioning like dieting or exercising or getting into shape while some people are like inspired by it like other people like a chime in and give all their input.

And you know and all that kind of stuff even though like I'm down like 14 or 15 pounds now you know I still have people saying like you should do this and like even though it comes from a good place a lot of people are coming from a good place it still stings a little bit so what I personally do and hopefully it can help you too is I try to remind myself of that is that people are typically coming from a good place even though they don't vocalize it in the right way right like a great example is the last video we did talking about Jake Paul and his whole cure for anxiety thing right.

So the next thing like I somebody who deals with this and you don't have to be overweight like I hope this advice can help you which has helped me throughout the years is one of the things that I do is I try to think of what I can and can't control so right now I'm actually rereading a book one of my favorite books on depression ever it's called the upward spiral by Alex Korbel link it down in the description below anyways I just started rereading it today and did you know that when you focus on the things that you can control versus.

The things that you can't control it actually triggers different neurotransmitters in your brain that helps to decrease stress and increase feelings of like happiness and motivation through like serotonin and norepinephrine and things like that so when it comes to my weight like what I'm feeling depressed or bummed out about my weight I try to focus on what I can control alright things that I can't control what I eat how much I exercise you know what I mean just other healthy habits like these are things within my control some of the things that are outside of my control are by slow-ass metabolism.

You know what I mean but like this is something that we all need to do when we're getting down on ourselves or looking at different parts of ourselves that we don't like there are certain things that we can and can't control and real quick I do want to plug in like I am all about body positivity all about that shit like if you are happy and comfortable at your size do y'all sang moo alright but like me it's not that I'm not happy well like I'm a happy mofo but like for me personally I think about you know healthful reasons like I have a son and I want to you know not only be a good example for him but I want to be able to be active and all that kind of stuff.

But you do you alright if it's something where you know you feel like you're unhealthy like you know I can get shortness of breath and like Shane, I sweat my ass off Las Vegas is not a good place for me but anyways those are the reasons why I'm trying to lose weight and get into shape alright but the last thing is like it's really interesting because I  read a lot about the brains natural predisposition towards negativity it's the psychology of the negativity bias it's also like the neuroscience of negativity bias we are going to focus on the negative more than we focus on the positive a great book.

 if you want to check it out it's called the power of bad it just came out this year I think a month and a half ago anyway there's one but one of from one of my favorite psychologists Roy Baumeister but anyways we are more likely to focus on the negative rather than the positive so one bad comment can completely mess your day upright so the good news is there's actually a way to counterbalance it all right so here's kind of the ratio okay for every one bad thing that happens you need three positive things alright.

So one that comment one screw-up at work one whatever it is you need three positives to balance that out okay because we are negative negatively prone to look at these bad situations okay so when it comes to that ratio for people who are more depressed takes about five good things to counteract that one bad thing but I've been in places where it takes like a dozen good things to counteract a bad thing right but what's interesting to me is when it comes to social media when it comes to people with such a massive platform all right like I don't have anywhere near the numbers that Shane Dawson does but like it seems like when you're getting that many comments it takes like a hundred good commas to counteract one bad one I don't know why that is.

And hopefully, some psychologists do some research about that but it's so much different for some reason like during my average day like it's easy to counteract the bad things with the good things but for some reason when it comes to social media or comments or whatever that is it's just not the same it's easy to just kind of skim past the good stuff and just laser focus on the bad you know so if any psychologists out there any researchers are watching this I think you should find some influencers do some studies to see how many comments it takes to counteract one bad one.

All right but anyways at the end of the day, the solution tries to focus on what you can control next solution try to find more positives to outweigh the negatives well we can all do as friends or even viewers like Shane obviously he got flooded with positive comments and everything like that but like if you have a friend who's down or something bad happened or they got a shitty comment from their boss or whatever it is trying to help balance that out remember it takes three positives to counteract the negative so you can actually have an influence on helping to flip a friend or family members day around significant other a child whoever it is all right.

So just remember that but again down to the description if you want to check out either of those books the upward spiral or the power of that I highly highly recommend them if you are nerd about neuroscience and psychology alright but anyways that's all I got for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you read this.

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